Solar equipment seller, Eco Energy farm solar panels
It stays in peace with nature


In addition to the sale of solar energy production equipment in which we have experience, we will soon start our activity in the sale of wind energy production equipment(Wind Turbines).

Production Steps in one of the Factories

SOHEIL GHOTBI NEZHAD LTD, Seller of the best and highest quality solar energy production products from the largest producers in this industry

Products and related equipment for a certain amount of electricity and products related to energy storage are produced, packed from our warehouses in Singapore and China sent to all parts of the world.
is silent

Eco Energy Farm
is silent


CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF A PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Company Number 15712258 The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, hereby certifies that SOHEIL GHOTBI NEZHAD LTD is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 as a private company, that the company is limited by shares, and the situation of its registered office is in England and Wales Given at Companies House, Cardiff, on 10th May 2024